The Big World of Wrestling

Invented by Men, Perfected by Women

About Little Miss Wrestler

p1010001This is me. I’m orginally from a small town in Mid-Missouri, grown and raised as a farm girl and then moved to the big city of Phoenix at the age of 7. I love horses, large green pastures and everything that has to do with the “Show Me State.” Family is my number one priority. They make me the woman I am today. I’m my Daddy’s girl and my Momma’s baby. I am blessed to have the family I do and I would never change a thing about them. Music really does make the world go around, everyone just has to find their own beat to dance to and mine is definitely country. I love to sing and act spontanteously. Life’s too short to not live in the moment. I’m a wrestler, from the time I old enough to understand the sport, I have had a passion for it. Since the age of 6 I’ve known I wanted to be a journalist–quick to get the facts. I’m independent. I’m a rebel. I’m a proud supporter of the Confederacy. I’m Irish and French. I’m a daughter, a girlfriend, a best friend, a motivater, a leader, a worker, a teacher, a coach, a thinker, a lover, a fighter…

I am ME.

1 Comment »

  1. doesn’t it hurt for girls to hit the mat with their chest? i mean… isn’t it their private and hurtful place?

    Comment by how? | December 5, 2009

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