The Big World of Wrestling

Invented by Men, Perfected by Women

“Our Greatest Glory…”

Photo from "Andrew the Planner"

It’s been almost three years since I have made a post to this blog which ultimately started out as an old school project. At that time I was sure that I was never going to have time to post again, nor be interested in continuously writing on the same topic week after week. But, I was seriously kidding myself. When you have something that is as close to the heart as this topic is, you can write about it for an eternity.

It’s crazy to think that it’s been over four years since my days of wrestling “glory.” Today, at 21, a Bachelor’s in Broadcast Journalism and a couple of great jobs I’m still looking back wondering “what if?” I had taken that wrestling scholarship? Would I still be here? Would I have competed at the national or world level at this point? Would I be a coach [officially]? Would I have influenced many other young women across the country? Maybe I’d be hurt, never to compete again? I suppose those questions will always circle my mind regardless of how old I get. Bottom line is I miss wrestling.

It’s amazing how much the female world of wrestling has changed in a mere year. Today we have female referees for wrestling, we have high school girls winning state championships and we have a sudden connected interest from female wrestler to female MMA fighter. I suppose you can say I’d slightly fall in to the last catagory mentioned considering the two years of MMA that I have under my belt; however, a small part of me has to question the reasoning behind the impulse–is it because MMA is truly becoming a “phenomenon” in the women’s sports world or is it that we really just have no where else to go?

If there are opportunities out of high school and college for female wrestlers, I sure don’t know about them and would gladly welcome any and all information from any of the small audience of people that look at this blog.

At this point in my life I feel like it’s time for me to go out and prove something again. I want to prove to myself that I’m not too “old” or “out of shape” or let time lapse so long that I “forgot everything I learned.” I’m going to start training again; Primarily all mixed martial arts, but I want to focus on what I truly fell in love with all those years ago–the mat, the spandex, the knee pads and of course, the stinky shoes…the big world of wrestling.

Check out the company owned by the man that’s going to be training me: Midwest Fight League. I just may be a part of the show again someday.

March 7, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment