The Big World of Wrestling

Invented by Men, Perfected by Women

On a Final Note…

jv-wrestling2“Once a wrestler, always a wrestler,” or so my high school coach once said. As the years go on and we (women) get older, life starts to pass us by and time always seems to be against us. It’s frusterating, it’s saddening, but most of all it’s ufortunately reality.

As my final blog, I would like to provide a little insight on how to handle being a girl wrestler and being a woman [through my experience]. See, a lot of girl wrestlers become skiddish and stressed when it comes to looking for a good man that can stand her “masculine” hobby; Find a man that’s just as athletic as you, that supports your sport and has no resentment or intimidation starring him in the eyes when he looks at you. It’s not impossible.

Concentrate on what’s important to you; If wrestling is more important than your major in college, focus on wrestling or else you’ll regret every moment you spend in a classroom.

Live the dream; Never think it’s ever too big or too small and make it happen! As pro wrestler Jeff Hardy once said, “Don’t think you can-Know you can! Your human body is the most impressive tool you will ever own. Even if you can’t control everything, you control something-Your Body. Use it, Amuse it, ‘Cuz one day you’re gonna lose it!”

Open your mind and heart to every opportunity life presents you, whether it be wrestling or academics or trades–take it head on with a smile because it could be life changing.

Never forget your love and desire and passion for the sport you chose to do, and it will never leave you. Just because you may get busy in your daily duties, remember to take some time for yourself and train, or weightlift, do something to bring you back to those good old days. For those who make it pro or at the national level–even better. Smile at every chance you get and NEVER REGRET A THING.

I’ve provided some helpful resource sites for female wrestlers, check ’em out and I wish you nothing but the very best in all future endeavors.


California Women’s Wresting

United States Girls Wrestling Association


Good Luck and God Bless!<img

May 5, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Gettin’ Ready for the Summer…

Picture from Lowcountry Wrestling Camps in South Carolina

From this season to next year’s season, every wrestler determined to be a champion should be adequately preparing and practicing at least four times a week. Whether it’s weightlifting 2/4 of those days or wrestling all four days, it needs to be done to be the best.

A lot of wrestlers associate summer time with break time, and although there may be truth to that regarding school, there no such thing when it comes to this sport.

For women it is especially important to stay in shape over the summer because for us, it’s a lot harder to take it back off than put it in (in terms of weight). Now that wrestling is up and coming for women there are a variety of summer wrestling camps that are either “All Girls” or coed. Some of these can be found at .

Especially here in Arizona, things can get hot, so be sure as your practicing your takedowns, counters and even submissions that you’re staying hydrated and beating the best.

May 3, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Celebrity Status

There are millions of sites on the Internet that poorly represent the “identity” of female wrestling. One in particular that I came across was titled GirlsWrestlingClips.Com and primarily prided itself in featuring half naked girls rolling around in pudding.

Hate to break it to you, but that’s not wrestling.

It’s almost saddening the amount of stereotypical pressure that’s put on to females to gain publicity or acknowledgement. First, they must look the part, that means size 0 and 1, but 3 would be pushing it, a general height requirement of 5’7″ and abnormally large breasts and lips. At this point, I’d like to smack whomever created Barbie.

Not only is this “fantasy girl” unrealistic, it’s just that–a fantasy! There’s so many up and coming women’s stores, like 579 in the mall, when really their business it going to be crappy because they haven’t realized yet that most women are truly 12 14 16. 🙂

Wrestling is far from women rolling around in chocolate pudding. That’s entertainment, and honestly, I bet Vince McMahon would pay you more if you showed just a bit more skin.

May 2, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment